“I want a partner.”

That was loud and clear from plan sponsors at a recent event. They said they are just too busy to know all the ins and outs and they want an advisor that acts like “an extension of our team”. They want someone to take charge and not be a passive bystander.
Is your advisor or broker acting like a partner helping you with your retirement plan?

Also: Biggest Challenges Reported by Plan Sponsors

  • Compliance challenges (compliance with ERISA and IRS code)
  • Communicating with participants  (lack of engagement)
  • Staffing issues in light of COVID (I hear this from all my clients)
Is your current advisor or broker providing the right guidance and advice to you and your employees?
Let’s discuss some ideas and develop a strategy to help you and your employees.

Ready to discuss your retirement plan with a 401(k) Advisor?
